We were sitting in her den chatting away like typical teenage girls. My friend in her rocking chair and I opposite her. When suddenly she rocked so exuberantly that she landed backwards in the fireplace behind her. I burst into laughter that was hard to stop. My friend was not amused and to this day I regret, with sadness, that she could not laugh at herself.
The above scene has come back to me many times over the years as one of the funniest sights I have seen and still brings me laughter.
Michael Miller, Cardiologist from the University of Maryland Medical Center, conducted a study on laughter, where he tested how 300 participants would react to slight amounts of stress, such as having a drink spilled on them at a party. Participants self-reported by answering a questionnaire. Half the participants had heart disease.
I hope if I ever land square in the fireplace, I’m howling with laughter. I can’t imagine what else I could do!
(Please know that there was no fire going at the time.)