Props props and more props. It’s one thing I love about my laughter programs.
Props props and more props. It’s one thing I love about my laughter programs.
Humor is a tricky game, which is one reason why we, in the world of laughter yoga, leave it behind and head straight into laughter.
I was reminded of this recently, when I attended a holiday concert last month. It was a choir (a very large and well known choir) and I foolishly assumed it would be an evening of beautiful, even sacred, holiday music. Yes there was some of that, alongside songs that were a parody of the season. The most offensive skit for me was one which involved members of the chorus dressed up as old ladies, with the intended showstopper of one very large lady doing antics on a walker. It made me cringe for so many reasons.
For one, I was seated next to my 80-year old friend. Was I supposed to laugh at her being elderly? And then the fat routine. God help us if we are still laughing at fat people. It reminded me of grade school. And lastly the walker. To ridicule the handicapped, I felt was unforgivable. I know many, including myself, who have spent time on a walker, either permanently due to old age, or temporarily due to an accident. I can attest to how humiliating it can feel.
I compare it to the times I spent leading programs on Therapeutic Laughter for many retirement homes while I was on a walker. I often laughed at the irony of it. Once I feigned racing another walker-bound resident down the hallway. The difference: Laughing at ourselves vs. others laughing at us; laughing to ease the situation vs. being ridiculed; laughing to make light of a stressful situation vs. being humiliated by others.
Humor is a tricky game. Laugh at yourself and leave others alone.
For your iPod or iPhone, there is now an application called iLaughOutLoud. It contains 40 different laugh sounds of real people really laughing. They have pre-recorded the funniest and most contagious laughs from teens, men, women, toddlers, and babies. If you use the Loup feature, the laughs keep playing continuously. If you use the Play List option, it plays your favorite laughs in a row. Have fun laughing along!
Gail started her humor therapy as a lay minister at her church. With one particular bedridden man she tried visiting in a silly outfit, to rave reviews. He lit up with a big smile and from that point on joyously anticipated seeing what her next outfit would be. Adding humor to compassion was a tremendous breakthrough.
Gail feels a strong sense of mission in her work - bringing a smile to a face and laughter to a heart during a stressful time. Repeatedly she receives confirmation that her visits make a difference in the lives of patients, their families and the staff, who welcome her comic relief each week.
Gail has seen over 11,000 patients in the past 7 years! Generally she is overwhelmingly well received. As a compassionate clown Gail differs from a traditional clown, in that she engages rather than entertains. She doesn’t use make-up and doesn’t do tricks. It’s her intent to look into people’s eyes, listen and be fully present.Gail believes that humor and laughter are tremendous gifts to use for coping with hard times. Her intent is to encourage people to use these gifts.
Photo: Nurse Giggles