When darkness settles in and laughter feels so far away you can’t even imagine it. Or worse yet, the heaviness of depression creeps in and laughter actually feels painful, for it strikes up against your wounds like a cruel joke.
These are some of the things I do:
Take a walk. Fresh air and exercise always help a little.
Write a poem and share it with a friend. If there are no friends around, just write it out anyway. Someone’s listening in the ethers around you. I’m sure of it.
Remember the times you have laughed. Just remembering will help.
Be Creative. It’s one of the best ways to connect with your Divinity.
Help a friend, or a stranger. Altruism fosters happiness.
Play. You may laugh yet.
Feed your passion. It will help bring you back.
Thump your thymus and activate your inner light. Darkness is just the absence of Light.
Forgive someone. See their inner light.
Smile. It will help relieve the stress.
Know that: This too shall pass. The darkest hour is just before dawn.
Photo: Stock.xchnge