I laugh regularly with a bunch of retired guys at a café in Edmonds.
They like me because I’m a girl and I make them laugh. And I like them, well, because they make me laugh. Led by the charismatic 90-year old Elmer, joined by Dennis, Ed, and the authentic card-carrying comedian Capt Phil, and whoever else drifts in, we have a grand time.
Edmonds is all about community.
Through my friend Sandy, who is so much fun because she is an eternally positive spirit, I am now considered a regular at the Walnut Street Café. And my total life laughter has significantly increased because of it. I laugh so much here I call it the Walnut St Laughter Club.
I almost fell off my seat in shock the first time I visited this café. While I was seated outside waiting for my friend, the nice older couple sitting next to me spontaneously struck up a conversation. Eventually they drag John outside to meet another native Bostonian and while he and I are yakking East Coast, Umit and his son scoot by engaging us in more laughs. By the time my friend arrives, I am so well integrated, she does not even recognize me.
Edmonds is all about community.
Where there’s community – there’s laughter.
(But don’t tell anyone because Bruce doesn’t want everyone moving up there invading their idyllic life.)
Photo: my friends Elmer and Sandy