When the Mariners were in the absolute pits a couple of years ago, one of the worst teams in baseball, I wrote a letter to the Seattle Times sports editor, suggesting they try a new tack: Have some fun. Since they were all in such misery about their losing streak, what did they have to lose? My baseball friend Rex told me they’d never publish such a silly suggestion.
I quoted Johan Santana of the Minnesota Twins, at the time considered “the best pitcher in baseball”, as saying “It’s all about having fun.” I said that cracking the whip was just adding more angst, more pressure. I suggested trying something radical – lightening up and having a good time and seeing what happens. Release the outcome and be in the moment, in the zone, as they say. It’s a game after all.
Well, behold the Mariners this past year! Griffey came back. And he brought with him his light-hearted sense of camaraderie. They started having fun. They were lightening up. They were being more playful. We’ve even seen Griffey tickling Ichiro on the field. Tickling! And they started winning again. They did a huge turn around.
Maybe there’s a place for fun and games in baseball. Maybe play and laughter can yield some pretty solid positive results. What better place to use laughter than on a team, capitalizing on the bonding spirit to enhance performance.
Even more amazing, they did indeed publish my letter to the editor.