Rachel Maddow is the best – fun, perky, animated, personality-plus and funny. Anyone who can make the news funny is top- of-the-line in my book.
I just discovered Ms. Maddow, on the verge of disowning news altogether, a process that now actually has a name: media fast. I got so fed up with top golfers apologizing for events we should be collectively embarrassed to know about; Olympic judges bringing personal politics into their scoring (just my opinion of course); and Obama, dear Obama unable to get anything done because one particular political party beginning with the letter R, stand solid against his success at the expense of the country (just my opinion of course)….
I digress into politics. Forgive me. But I was so fed up, I even switched my email from Yahoo to Google, to escape the major gossip headlines in my face, every time I checked my email.
Thank you Rachel Maddow.
(Wikimedia Commons Photo)