Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Laughter Yoga

My birthday coincides with Laughter Yoga’s birthday – we have a symbiotic relationship.

I say it every year: Laughter Yoga was born on March 13th, 1995 in India because Dr. Kataria felt people needed a way to bring more laughter into their lives.

Though I’ve often had a lot of laughter in my life, it seems just as often I haven’t had nearly enough. Either that best laughter buddy moved away or got lost in a traumatic relationship or got a girlfriend who got jealous etc. etc. My laughter muscles cried and I moved on.

Or perhaps I got lost in my own challenges and my Laughter Quotient (laughter time to non laughter time) significantly decreased.

So when Dr. Kataria invented Laughter Yoga, I knew immediately it was for me; as well as a great gift to the world.

It’s no coincidence Laughter Yoga was born in India – one of the most crowded, polluted, noisy and stressful places to live. The higher the stress, the greater the need for laughter.

Dr. Kataria himself admits he wasn’t someone prone to laughter. He needed it as much as those who began to follow him. His laughter muscles had gone rusty, and really weren’t well developed to begin with. This is the man now referred to as the Guru of Giggling. It’s a testament to the power of intentional laughter.

Laughter Yoga is the lifelong intent to bring more laughter into your life and the immediate intent to laugh in the moment. The now of laughter.

Photo: Stock.chnge

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